
right feather ying & zheng xiujing:

true friendship is enduring as the universe

my friend wears a mask.

zheng xiujing:

stay meng appearance for her to win a lot of good

i am not the same as the previous one.

so far no one can expose my mask

i love her under the mask.

the circle of our love


we are the best partner


i don't want to abandon the appearance of a good girl.

you are a cool girl~

“ya xi!你如许今后谁敢娶啊?”吴世勋嫌弃的说道。



you don't like me



权羽颖和郑秀晶合作的这首《best partner》博得了俞永镇和统统练习生的掌声,本身两人的音色就很好,再加上劲歌热舞,炫酷服饰,想不胜利都难。

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