
Grant perfect rest on the wings of Your Divine Presence

“God full of mercy who dwells on high

And bind his soul in the bond of everlasting life.

pray for the elevation of his soul.

and let us say Amen.”

推荐阅读: 凤舞九天:桂枝香     六零军夫有仙妻     开局美艳女鬼赖上我     异能小村长     死对头竟然重生了     港综:阿Sir,再打下去真的要死了     原谅我无法说爱你     最强无敌败家系统     我的神龟分身     念你情深意长     萌妻鲜嫩:教授老公,别乱教     兰陵蔽月    